Tuesday, January 6, 2015

New Year’s Resolutions…

I would say I have never really been one to have New Year’s Resolutions…but…that wouldn’t exactly be true. I every single year since high school probably would tell myself in my head that I was going to lose a crud ton of weight and have a bikini body by summer. Hardy har har!!! What a joke! And because I never actually said it out loud it didn’t really matter if it never came true. Guess what! It never did and probably never will! Me and the word bikini just aren’t meant to be together and guess what I really don’t care. But I do think that starting new habits is awesome and having resolutions really helps with this you just have to have a plan. I found these picture in this post really funny and so true of most resolutions, but the last one that is my plan for this year!!!

Last year in 2014 I decided to quit drinking pop and to really focus on a healthier lifestyle. I feel that I have accomplished this I have not drank a coke since January 3rd 2014, sometimes I still just have to smell them when the hubs is drinking one. And I know that the healthier lifestyle is a forever change that some days are going to be better than others and that is ok. Yes I have lost weight, yes I would still like to lose more but more than anything I feel better.

So this year I have decided to in addition to continuing to strive for a healthier life I am going to do a few other things. See I am saying (well blogging) them out loud so the whole world will know! I am going to be a better meal planner/grocery shopper. The next one sounds so simple and I stole it from a friend, when I get something out I am going to put it up. Third and final one is to eat out less often this one is a goal of the hubs and I both.
The being a better meal planner/grocery shopper has been something I have been working on for quite some time but now I am really buckling down and I am doing this!  I hate seeing food go to waste; I buy something it rots in my fridge, leftovers that never get eaten. I also hate not being semi-prepared when it comes to meals. So I have cleaned out the fridge and organized the pantry, made a three week meal plan with an organized grocery list. I feel I really can do so much better at this than I have in the past!
The if I get something out I put it up. This really just comes from a simple philosophy that we were taught as kids, put your things away. Hopefully this helps keep my home more organized a clutter free. Plus with this the hubs and I are renovating several rooms in our home so I am decluttering as we go and this will help things stay that way!
Lastly going out to eat less! I am really guilty of not knowing what I am going to fix (see #1) and just saying let’s go out or just grabbing lunch in town while grocery shopping. Yes I LOVE going out to eat but I know it is terribly expensive and if I am cooking the meal I can control what I am eating as well!  The hubs and I would like to in the near future purchase or build a new home so saving money for this is really important. And the small changes really can add up! Our goal is to keep it once a month, now we are aware that there will be times this isn't possible but we are committed!!!

How about you guys? Any advice on my resolutions? Are you making resolutions? What are they? Happy Tuesday!


  1. Great resolution! Mine should probably be to plan less (I am not the least bit spontaneous) :P Perhaps spoonacular could help you with your goal? https://spoonacular.com/meal-planner

  2. Oh thanks for the resource! I will be using that for sure! That is a great idea! Thanks to being married to the man I am married to being spontaneous isn't a problem. He has helped me with that through the years!
