Friday, January 9, 2015


I am kind of a lover of bread not so hot for my hips but oh so delish! HA! And popovers are so amazing for my love. What exactly is a popover? Well Wikipedia says a popover is a light, hollow roll made from an egg batter similar to that of Yorkshire pudding, typically baked in muffin tins or dedicated popover pans, which have straight-walled sides rather than angled.

There are several things I love about this recipe in particular #1 being that it is a type of bread but we have already established that! I also love that these do not require yeast so I can actually make these with little stress on a weeknight. Reason three is that they this recipe only makes about six popovers so there aren’t a bunch left over staring at me begging me to eat them. Lastly I love the versatility of this eggy dough, you can add to it make it savory or sweet. When I made these last night to go with our supper I decided to add some green onion and parmesan cheese to them, that was a winner. But I have made them with a bit of cinnamon and sugar, then drizzled with honey after baking oh that hits the spot on a cold night as well. The possibilities are endless. This is the basic recipe, adjust as you see fit. Mostly just enjoy!
I told you I love bread!

2 eggs
1 cup Milk
1 TBSP Cooking Oil
1 cup Flour
1 TSP Salt

Preheat oven to 400. Lightly grease your pan (either a popover pan or muffin tin).Whisk together you egg, milk, and oil. Add in your flour and salt stir to smooth, don’t over mix. Fill tins ½ full of batter. Bake in pre-heated oven for 30-40 minutes. Popovers will be golden brown when done. Remove from oven and prick each popover with a fork to release the steam. Enjoy with butter!

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